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Showing posts from September, 2018

Week 17: Gas Service and more

While we are still waiting on the stairs to be manufactured, we're clearing off a long list of little things - getting the gas lines, planning out the water service distribution system, moving downstairs with electrical.  We're heading to that inevitable date soon where we'll be starting to insulate the walls and have the drywall installed.   Still a few more weeks to get there though...

Week 16: Electrical rough in and stucco

Tony did a quick rough in of the plumbing drains early in the week, which meant Kevin could come and start the electrical.  We did a walkthrough with Shaun and Amber and made a lot of the key decisions to move things forward. On the outside, the stucco is being applied to the back and sides of the house.  The front will be finished with a combination of stone and longboard.

Week 15: Backframing

Even though some of the HVAC is not done, we've begun backframing the upstairs, main floor and basement.  The backframers are in charge of the little things - boxing duct work, straightening walls, strapping basement walls etc.

Week 14: Front Steps

Now that the garage is poured, we can continue with the ductwork making it's way through the garage and into the basement.   Thom turned to the front steps... painstakingly forming, reinforcing, measuring, leveling, correcting.... you get the idea.  Finally, at the end of the week, he poured them and it turned out great.